Our statement of faith can be summarized in 11 statements.
We welcome everyone to worship with us. Whether your beliefs perfectly align with Trinity Bible Church’s statement of faith, we believe unity can be found in a desire to know Jesus.
Statement 1
God created the world from nothing, creating all people in His image.
Statement 2
God inspired the entire Bible, and His Word is unchanging.
Statement 3
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the revelation of the Godhead.
Statement 4
The Lord Jesus Christ is deity.
Statement 5
Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died vicariously, was resurrected bodily, ascended into heaven and will one day return.
Statement 6
All people have a fallen, sinful nature, deserve God's judgement, and are unable to save themselves.
Statement 7
Salvation is a gift received by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone—as people repent and believe the gospel.
Statement 8
There are two literal eternal dwelling places–heaven for those who trust in Christ and accept forgiveness, and hell for those who do not.
Statement 9
God the Holy Spirit permanently indwells each believer to seal his salvation, illuminate the Scriptures, and empower the Christian to persevere in the faith and live a godly life.
Statement 10
The local church is a place for corporate worship, Gospel proclamation, biblical instruction, edification, prayer, fellowship, and evangelism. Believers' baptism and the Lord's Table are ordinances which are administered by qualified men who serve as elders.
Statement 11
Jesus Christ will return to deliver His people and establish his millennial kingdom, followed by the judgement of all unbelievers and the creation of a new heaven and a new earth.